I need to admit something really embarrassing…
I’m ashamed to admit it, but I went almost 7 YEARS without going to the dentist!
And you know what the worst part is???
I was in my 2nd year of Dental School when I finally got the nerve to go! I had been studying dentistry for 2 Years before I got myself to go.
There were a lot of reasons why I didn’t go to the dentist over those years. I didn’t have any health coverage, I had no money, etc. And then the longer I went without seeing the dentist, the more ashamed & embarrassed I was to go.
So when I finally did go (as a dental student), I totally lied to the dentist when he asked me how long it had been since I had seen a dentist! I told him it had been two years…
If only I had know then how obvious it was to a trained professional that that wasn’t true.
I tell you that because if there is anyone reading this who hasn’t been to the dentist in a long time…
I GET IT! More than you know!
But it’s not something you’ll want to put off for too long.
Come see me! I promise, there will be no judgement! We’ll help get you back on track.
Book and appointment today.